By Braden Walker
May 1, 2020
So this is our first official blog post for Initium Creative. I thought I would take this opportunity to just give a little information of who Initium Creative is as a business and what our goals are for the future. My name is Braden Walker and I officially started Initium Creative in January of 2019. Before I started this company, I had been working as an independent contractor for a company in Texas and I have helped start and run multiple media businesses or departments for most of my professional career. After doing this for so many others, I decided it was time for me to start my own media business, therefore Initium Creative was born. So I know most of those reading this are probably wondering, how the heck do you say the name of your business and what does it even mean? You can head over to the Identity tab on the website to get the answer to these questions, but in short, Initium is latin for Initiate. So just start by saying initiate and when you get to the end, replace the "ate" with "um". Initium Creative was named for the purpose and culture of our business. We partner with our clients to help them communicate their business more creatively. We work very closely with them to find the passion and purpose of their business (the gold) and help them communicate that in whatever capacity we are working with them in. As far as our goals and future, that is a larger blog post for another day, but you can always ask if you are interested. Lets just say this is something much bigger than just a local media company and we are working towards creating it in the present.